June 18, 2012

Is anyone there? Seriously, is anyone reading this?

Hey, so it's been over a month since I've posted anything. Part of that is because this last semester is over and my Video Game Art, History, and Culture class is over. The other reason is because I was busy catching up on the sleep I denied myself during finals week and looking for a job. Turns out I landed an internship with a medical device lab and I enjoy it there. Not paying too bad either.

Thing is, I have free time at night and after Heroes and The Office with my dear mom (don't ask me how I've convinced her to watch either of those), it turns out I don't have a whole lot else going on and since most reasonable people like to do this cool thing called sleep, I'm bored through the night. So, without all of the distractions of school, required game reviews, and general life structure, I've decided to start this thing up again, this time cutting loose and putting whatever the hell I want on here.

So expect lots of different things to appear randomly on here. I might review a game I've been playing or one that I've recently picked up again. I might talk about television though I don't watch a whole lot that isn't on Netflix. I might just talk about stuff that's been going on around me and will weigh in on it (which will likely end with me saying something like "...but who's to judge?"). I'm not entirely sure but I will be putting stuff on here that I wouldn't necessarily say in public. Why? Because I'm a quiet, reserved introvert who needs a medium to vent through and I don't actually know who would legitimately be interested.

I look forward to posting on here more often and please, if anyone can hear me, PLEASE let me know. Otherwise I'm shouting out into space. Not entirely bad though. At least I'm saying it rather than letting it roll around in my head like it usually is.

Anyway, I'll be seeing you around.